The­sis 6

Art is free.

The arts are a means to engage with fun­da­men­tal per­so­nal, phi­lo­so­phi­cal, socie­tal, and poli­ti­cal issues. They tran­s­cend any direct expe­ri­ence, open up new hori­zons of mea­ning and widen our expe­ri­ence. Accor­ding to the UNESCO, human beings tran­s­cend their limi­ta­ti­ons through their ability of crea­ting and inter­pre­ting art. Due to the artis­tic free­dom enshri­ned in the Ger­man Basic Law, the arts can thrive. The accep­tance of artis­tic free­dom is indis­pensable in a libe­ral society. Art can be unsett­ling. Works of art can cause disp­lea­sure. They need to be ques­tio­ned and reinter­pre­ted time and again as well as be open to cri­ti­cal debate. Artis­tic free­dom must, howe­ver, not be used as a cover-up for group-focu­sed enmity. Those in charge of cul­tu­ral insti­tu­ti­ons and cul­tu­ral events also have a respon­si­bi­lity when it comes to cul­tu­ral policy.

Von |2024-08-01T16:51:25+02:00August 1st, 2024|These|Kommentare deaktiviert für

The­sis 6

Art is free.