Redakteur1 1. August 2024 Logo_Initiative_print.png

The­sis 6

Art is free.

The arts are a means to engage with fundamental personal, philosophical, societal, and political issues. They transcend any direct experience, open up new horizons of meaning and widen our experience. According to the UNESCO, human beings transcend their limitations through their ability of creating and interpreting art. Due to the artistic freedom enshrined in the German Basic Law, the arts can thrive. The acceptance of artistic freedom is indispensable in a liberal society. Art can be unsettling. Works of art can cause displeasure. They need to be questioned and reinterpreted time and again as well as be open to critical debate. Artistic freedom must, however, not be used as a cover-up for group-focused enmity. Those in charge of cultural institutions and cultural events also have a responsibility when it comes to cultural policy.

Copyright: Alle Rechte bei Initiative kulturelle Integration
