The­sis 5

Reli­gion belongs in the public sphere.

Reli­gi­ons can make an important con­tri­bu­tion to cul­tu­ral inte­gra­tion and par­ti­ci­pa­tion. While in Ger­many, there is a clear sepa­ra­tion bet­ween the State and reli­gion, they do refer to one ano­ther. Reli­gious com­mu­ni­ties may, if they choose to, have a visi­ble public pre­sence, and actively par­ti­ci­pate in social life. At the same time, they are sub­ject to the appli­ca­ble rule of law and public dis­course. This rela­ti­onship bet­ween the State and reli­gion has worked well in Ger­many. Ecu­me­ni­cal under­stan­ding, inter­re­li­gious dia­lo­gue and the peace-buil­ding power of reli­gi­ons must be streng­the­ned. We do not tole­rate the abuse of reli­gion to pro­mote extre­mist views. This is the only way to find com­mon ground and deal con­s­truc­tively with exis­ting differences.

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The­sis 5

Reli­gion belongs in the public sphere.