The­sis 4

Gen­der equa­lity is a cor­ner­stone of our society.

Gen­der equa­lity and equal rights are some of the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of our society. They are enshri­ned in the Ger­man Basic Law as a con­sti­tu­tio­nal com­mandment cal­ling for equal rights for men and women. It remains a task for the State and society to achieve gen­der equa­lity in all its facets and to coun­ter­act exis­ting dis­cri­mi­na­tion. Society’s under­stan­ding of gen­der has chan­ged in the last few years. This also includes streng­thening the accep­tance and pro­tec­tion of sex- and gen­der-based diver­sity. At the same time, the mis­sion to achieve equa­lity bet­ween men and women has lost none of its relevance.

Von |2024-08-01T16:51:33+02:00August 1st, 2024|These|Kommentare deaktiviert für

The­sis 4

Gen­der equa­lity is a cor­ner­stone of our society.