Thesis 9
Germany is an immigration country.
Germany is a multiethnic country, made up of people with different origins, different religions, languages, and cultural backgrounds. Immigration and integration are a part of who we are. This applies to the past when Germany experienced different phases of immigration, as well as to present times with a view to global migration movements. The right to asylum is a fundamental human right.
Germany’s cultural wealth is partly due to the influence of immigrants. This is proof of successful historical integration processes and encourages us all to be open to immigration. People with a family background of immigration are a natural part of our society. Many have responsible positions in the world of politics, business, culture, and other social areas, and help shape our society. Obstacles and marginalisation must be overcome.
Due to the demographic change, Germany also needs immigrant workers as many industries are looking for skilled and qualified staff. Companies and the public sector in Germany are competing for the best talent worldwide. A liberal democracy, adequate structures, and a welcoming culture (“Willkommenskultur”) that considers people together with their different needs such as education, culture, and neighbourhood, are the prerequisites for successful immigration. Such a welcoming culture acts like a magnet that can help acquire and keep skilled workers and qualified staff.