Redakteur1 1. August 2024 Logo_Initiative_print.png

The­sis 14

Gain­ful employ­ment is important for par­ti­ci­pa­tion, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, and social cohesion.

Work, either in the form of employment or self-employment, is a great driver of integration. It is a way of bringing together society and individuals. It produces self-confidence and identification with one’s own achievements. It lends structure to everyday life, facilitates communication and, by doing so, is a decisive factor when it comes to ensuring social cohesion. Since gainful employment plays such an important role, facilitating access to the labour market for all persons who are capable of working is essential regardless of their individual circumstances. In our work-based society, people’s talents are meant to thrive irrespective of sex, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, and identity. The employment structure needs to reflect social diversity. This applies to the public as much as the private sector.

In the social market economy, close cooperation on economic and social policy between employers’ and employees’ associations, within the self-governed social institutions and with the Government makes an important contribution to our democratic system. The German model of social partnership is the defining attribute of the social market economy and fosters social cohesion. The freedom to form coalitions is enshrined in our constitution and forms the basis for societal understanding and social peace.

Copyright: Alle Rechte bei Initiative kulturelle Integration
